The Basics of Writing


(OCTOBER 2017)

One of the key tips when it comes to writing in English is to limit or eliminate any run-on sentences. If you're writing a paragraph, essay, or an article, you'll want to double check yourself to make sure that there are no-run on sentences. 

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses, which are complete sentences are connected to each other improperly rather than being kept as separate sentences.

Complete sentences should only have one independent clause within them to make grammatical sense. Having a run-on sentence is a structural flaw in one's writing that will affect the flow of your paragraph or essay.

There's no issue in connecting two independent clauses together to be reflected in the same sentence but they must be connected with a conjunction word such as 'but, and, for, yet, nor, or, so.'  

Example: I wanted to go to the movies with Jake, but I had a lot of homework to finish last night.

Without a conjunction word in between the two independent clauses, you're likely to have a run-on sentence. Let us look at an example of a run-on sentence v. a regular sentence with the correct structure.

Example: My science professor graded my exam he gave me an A. (Run-on)

Example: My science professor graded my exam, and he gave me an A. 

What these examples show us is that it's important to have correct punctuation in order to avoid the mistake of having a run-on sentence. It's important to use a comma and a conjunction to connect the independent clauses together. In addition, the two independent clauses could be sentences on their own so you don't need to put them together if you do not want to. 

Example: My science professor graded my exam. He gave me an A.

As you can see above, by separating the clauses into independent sentences and making them shorter, you can also avoid having a run-on sentence. Correct punctuation, using conjunctions, and making simple sentences that express a singular thought are the best ways to avoid making a run-on sentence. 

If you want to be a better English writer, make sure you take this weekly tip to heart. It could mean the difference between a great essay or a poor one. 

Complete and Continue  